Honest Review: Is the OneWheel Plus XR Worth it?

For $1799.00, Is the OneWheel Plus XR worth it?

YES! Oh my God yes, it is.

For this price point, –not even for the cheaper Pint version—you’d have to expect the OneWheel Plus XR to be an absolute unit of a machine. And, well, that’s pretty much exactly what it is.

So, what makes this thing worth the price point and why should you get it? To that, there are two reasons.

One, practical purposes. Two, fun purposes.

Now before we get to that, a bit of a point on safety. Wear protective gear, it’s important because this thing is a monster. You also don’t want to get any of the off-brand OneWheels such as the SkootRider Single Wheel, as some people have reported that they’re not as stable as the original.

Disclaimer: There is a big difference between the Plus XR and the Pint. The extended max travel distance the Plus XR has is so important for commute. Make sure you get the Plus XR instead of the Pint if you want something that is effective.

Practical purposes: the OneWheel Plus XR for commuting

For reference, I’ve lived in LA, San Francisco, and UC Davis for college. The practicality of a OneWheel Plus XR is something that a lot of everyday people would benefit from, but it would especially be useful for you if you’re one of those computer science or engineering majors who just never have time for ANYTHING.

Seriously, I don’t know how engineering majors or future CEOs aren’t already dead yet because they just don’t have time for anything.

Nonetheless, if every second is precious to you and you get annoyed because you can’t just blitz through car traffic and bikes, then this is for you.

In other words, this device is for those who have places to go, people to see, and projects to get to. You’re a gosh darned adult!

One of the most interesting things about the OneWheel Plus XR is that most of my acquaintances who don’t own it look at it and think, “why would I need it though?”

However, I know a few people in the SoCal area who work 80-hour work weeks. These are your people who made partner in their law firm or people who inherited their family’s giant business.

They work, all the time. And the ability to get from point A to point B faster than a car can (traffic) is something that is absolutely vital to them. Unlike other electric boards, having a giant tire helps them plow through bumps and cracks like it’s nothing, whereas e-boards usually don’t have enough shock absorption to get you to your commute comfortably.  

Fun purposes: the OneWheel Plus XR is a F*cking Tank

There’s really no other experience like assaulting the road with this bad boy. In flat roads –and even uphill ones—this thing can help you blitz through distances that no other bike or board can do.

Here’s the thing though. I drive a car. I also rode in a speedboat, and I even operated a plane. Are these things fun? Of course! Cars are great, and so are boats.

But the real tragic thing here is that the OneWheel Plus XR is an experience that sadly a lot of people don’t get to have. The saddest thing is never having one to experience it for yourself.

I’m going to try to paint the experience of what it’s like to ride the OneWheel Plus XR as well as I can.

The best way to describe it is like a Tesla.

Elon Musk once said in his talk with Joe Rogan that the Tesla cars were designed to make something that made commute fun. It’s not just about luxury driving, but also just having fun. It goes fast, and it’s a beast. Simple.

Same with the OneWheel.

The OneWheel Plus XR is worth it because it is exactly what someone would imagine if you let engineers have a little too much fun in the workshop.

“Hey man! So, what if we made commutes really fast, but like instead of gel wheels, we just give them the whole tire and make it run like a mustang?”

–probably some guy in the workshop

Remember that: you’re riding the fantasy vehicle an engineer with too much power just made.

In other words, this thing is an absolute tank.

Remember that scene in Saving Private Ryan when the German Tiger Tank was crawling slowly and menacingly towards that guy with the barrel pointed right at him?

Imagine that but the tank craws really, really fast. Just 207 tons of pure metal brutality accelerating at you like a cheetah. Even if I were a hardened veteran in the war, I’d probably shit my pants.

Okay, maybe the OneWheel Plus XR isn’t really an armored vehicle with an attached gun, but from our experience, this thing certainly terrorizes the streets.

Okay! With that said, let’s get on to the specs and a few other details.

Table of Contents

  1. Pros and Cons
  2. OneWheel Plus XR vs OneWheel Pint
  3. Reddit, Is the OneWheel Worth it?

Pros and Cons


  • Dominates road cracks and bumps
  • Extended range perfect for commutes to work or school
  • Cheaper + faster than an electric bike
  • 19mph topspeed
  • College Student Friendly
  • Easily pass through traffic
  • Fast charging
  • Travels 12-18 miles
  • Best option for fast commute
  • No energy needed
  • You can switch to off-road wheels
  • Holy crap it’s fun


  • The best one wheel = the highest price.
  • Less portable and a bit heavy
  • Faster speeds make head protection a must.

OneWheel Plus XR vs OneWheel Pint

Alright. Why are we so adamant that you get the Plus XR instead of the Pint?

The reason is actually more of a practical one.

You see, the Plus XR has a few extra perks like being a bit faster and being slightly bigger. However, what we’d like to really emphasize here is the max distance difference.

The OneWheel Plus XR can travel at a max of 18 miles. This is a major difference from the 8-9 miles of the OneWheel Pint. So, what’s so important about this? The biggest thing here is that this solves the biggest problem that may occur with the device. You can end up using all your battery in the OneWheel Pint and have to lug the thing around.

Keep in mind the Pint is 23 pounds. If you have to make the rest of your commute lugging 23 pounds, that’s like carrying all your groceries in one trip back to the house.

Because most people have to commute to work at distances that can range from 8-10 miles, it would be much wiser to get the OneWheel Plus XR so that you don’t lose battery in the middle of your commute.

Or worse, you arrive late for work because your battery doesn’t last long enough.

Don’t take the risk and assume it’ll last until your destination –even if your calculated distance can afford it.

It’s always wiser to be extra sure by having a few spare miles in your device.  

Reddit, Is the OneWheel Worth it?

Okay, so we usually like to cover what other people have said about a product before we decide to write articles on our opinions. Besides, sometimes other people have different opinions about the product, and their opinions shouldn’t be taken for granted.

This is to ensure we provide you with the most comprehensive information before you decide to buy. And let us say that this thing is definitely worth the buy.

Here’s what Reddit has to say about whether the OneWheel Plus XR is worth it.

“Get the XR. Being able to go at least twice as far on one charge is a huge advantage and well worth the extra cost.”


“I 100% would go with the XR. As the other guy here said, in the beginning most of your rides are going to be within a few miles, but once you get used to riding, 8 miles or so goes FAST. Riding the XR, I almost never even have to think about how much battery I have left. You want to be able to ride without worrying about that. It’s well worth it in my opinion.”


Have any other thoughts or concerns? Still not sure if the OneWheel Plus XR is still worth it? Not certain if you want to ride a tank to campus? Maybe riding a tank to campus would be a bit much, but we’ll say that this toy is certainly the best thing to get you to class or work at the speed of light. If you’ve other thoughts or questions about the product, you can reach us at our contact page!